
Posts Tagged ‘Prevention Connection’

SC House removes mention of gays in date-abuse bill

May 21st, 2009 Comments off

According to the Associated Press (via Google news), the South Carolina legislature – well, the House at least – voted to pass a bill that promotes violence prevention in the schools while simultaneously barring the mention of gay and lesbian relationships.

Apparently, proponents of the bill are following the same logic of the anti-gay-marriage movement: not only is marriage between one man and one woman, but “traditional domestic violence” occurs between men and woman only. 

I’m glad the article includes a statement from the national spokesman for Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays, Steve Ralls. He said:

“We are astounded that there are those who would prioritize their own homophobia ahead of the safety of the young people of South Carolina.”

Couldn’t agree more. Let’s see if the S.C. Senate can redeem their state image by killing this bill in committee.

The Associated Press: SC House nixes mention of gays in date-abuse bill.

My thanks to the folks at Prevention Connection for tweeting this…