52 Days of Domestic Violence Flu in America
Very good piece written by Casey Gwinn, an attorney who works with the Family Justice Center Alliance in California.
52 Days of Domestic Violence Flu in America – Family Justice Center Alliance.
Very good piece written by Casey Gwinn, an attorney who works with the Family Justice Center Alliance in California.
52 Days of Domestic Violence Flu in America – Family Justice Center Alliance.
Very well-written article, adapted from a new book by Helen Benedict on the experiences of women serving in the Iraq war.
The passage that stood out so starkly to me was this quote:
“I was less scared of the mortar rounds that came in every day than I was of the men who shared my food.”
Of course, with Sexual Assault Awareness Month in full swing, the timing couldn’t be better.
The first Men Stopping Rape podcast is now available for viewing; an audio-only version will be available soon; I am also working on setting up an RSS feed to make this and future podcasts available via the iTunes Store (for free of course).
This first episode is a brief overview of what I have in mind for future podcast topics and a bit of “men doing anti-violence work 101”, serving as an introduction to our organization and the basic philosophy behind our approach to men being involved in the eradication of violence.
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